all girls have periods

YR1400 BEES!

ALL GIRLS together once again.
Show notes, anyone?

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

3 replies on “YR1400 BEES!”

I go away for 3,5 years and THIS is what I come back to??? Nothing has changed what so ever!!!

Love it!!!
And by Love I mean Hate.
And by Hate I mean Love.

See you in 2022!

Congratulations on 1400 Episodes! LOVE the Cruising with Wheels faggots, they are amazing. Their sissy stories make me happy. Of course, all the videos that Stupid Shitlick pick are a piece of shit. The Trannytv was so boring, even MST3000 wouldn’t play it. Just found out which cruise Shitlick bought for $50 and might book my own ticket, just to scare the shit out of that fat piece of crap, maybe throw her into the ocean now I know what “she” looks like (Thanks to one of the other listeners for sending me her UGLY MUG). Great show as always, more doody squirts over Debra and her boring contributions. God, she’s a piece of garbage. I loved Churyl, except when she was being a cunt to Mayudge. Love all of Madge’s Instagram (I am obsessed with Grundella and her Witch Watch) and Twitter posts, no matter if she tries to ban me, I have another account I stare at her with. It’s fun. Keep the grums coming, I love them (except for stupid shitlick).

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