
Madge at Camp Casey Day 1

is the Wrap up of day one at a camp casey. Much more will be posted when I get a chance to edit. This is raw- no editing time and i couldn’t even preview.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

9 replies on “Madge at Camp Casey Day 1”

Thanks, Madge…that was really amazing. I had some trouble with the visual when your cameraperson was taping the names and pictures of the soldiers…it got the “digital blobbies” during some of that part, but the message was loud and clear.

That little building that was off in the distance…was that part of Bush’s ranch?

Thanks, too, for once again bringing home the irony that this “pro-life” president is responsible for so many deaths…are people finally waking up?? Rise and shine, neocons…

I’m so proud of you for doing this! Give ’em hell grrl! Can you tell us the exact location of where you are so we can look it up on Google Earth?

Madge, I am so proud to consider you a sister in democracy! The coverage you are providing and what you are contributing to maybe larger than the both of us but it is a voice that is screaming in the face of the Americunts and the Neo Cunt republican assholes. Keep up the good work bitch. You are flawless and fat!

You’re as big a bigot as Cindy Sheehan, be proud! While you and Cindy keep spouting off that President Bush is the Commander in Chief and sent these people to war the terrorists are the reason we are at war and in Afghanistan and Iraq. You can make your tortured analogies and falacious stories of Bush killing the soldiers. He didn’t make anyone volunteer to defend their country. Each and every member of our armed forces joined voluntarily. They swore to defend the constitution, follow orders, and give their life, if necessary, to protect the interests of their country.

What would you have done post 9/11? Would you have invited Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden over for tea and a discussion to ‘iron out’ differences? You cannot reason with terrorists. They aren’t reasonable, by definition.

The terrorists killed almost 3,000 innocent Americans on 9/11. The soldiers laying their lives down now are defending the rest of us so that it doesn’t happen again. Give up your “No WMDs, Bush Lied”, and “Bush killed my kid” canards and what arguments do you have left?

Nobody likes war, nobody likes terrorist attacks on their home soil. We didn’t chose to be attacked on 9/11. We will (and should) defend ourselves to prevent this from ever happening again.

We’ve lost 1,862 U.S. armed forces at this time in Operation Iraqi Freedom. We lost over 58,000 in Vietnam, 126,000 in WWI and 407,000 in WWII. People die in war, but they fight for what they think is right. Let’s not forget that.

If Cindy’s son didn’t want to fight, he didn’t have to join or stay in the military. He was an adult and she had no say in his decision to serve. I’m sorry for every person who dies fighting in war and for everyone left behind who loses their loved ones. Honor their memory, don’t drag it through the streets to glorify your political message. Would Cindy’s son have been proud of the way she is using his death if he could see it today?

Peace is a noble cause, but we can’t leave our guard down and hope for peace in the world we live in today.

So you think we’re “preventing it from ever happening again” by fighting in Iraq? Let me refresh your memory: was Osama bin Laden from Iraq? Mmm, don’t think so. Were the 9/11 terrorists from Iraq? Mmm, don’t think so. Most of them were from Saudi Arabia. Think Bush is going to go to war with Saudi Arabia? Doubtful.

And no, there WERE no WMDs found in Iraq, which was a major tenet in Bush’s justification for going to war there. No weapons found. Zero. Zilch. Sorry, but it’s still true. Truth, bitter truth. Eat it.

It’s ironic that all perpetrators of terror on our soil have come from come from countries that–you guessed it–are NOT Iraq. There are plenty of other places that pose a greater threat. Your reasoning was the same reasoning used in Vietnam, only instead of terrorism, it was communism that was the bogeyman. As I recall, we lost.

And as for your count of 58,000 dead versus 1,800 in this one, YOU should remember the duration of that war. Should we try to shoot for the same length on this one? Tell you what–YOU go sign up for it.

Nobody is “dishonoring” the memories of fallen soldiers by protesting, either. That’s a load of shit. If we disagree with what President Bush is doing in our name and with our money, it’s our RESPONSIBILITY to protest so that MORE of our sons/daughters/brothers/loved ones aren’t sent to fight Bush’s personal (or at the very least, geographically misguided) vendetta. As long as there are unpopular wars, there are going to be war protests. Live with it. We’ve had to.

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