
Important Information

qPodder, Insanefilms, Americunt, Yeast2, and ETHS are all *DOWN* because Dreamhost sucks ass. They say on their web site that the problems will likely not get fixed until MONDAY NIGHT! I guess you get what you pay for.

You can still get to insanefilms by going to the feed directly Same goes for yeast2, americunt and eths.

Insanefilms and yeast2 can be reached at podshow where the media is located. So you can go to or

qPodder is kind of stuck because of dreamhost sucking a lot and BECAUSE OF CHERYL ‘WHOREHOLE’ MERKOWSKI WHO RECCOMENDED THE PIECE OF SHIT!

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

27 replies on “Important Information”

Madge, if Skypanther is still bottoming somewhere and you need help getting your closet-based server back up I can try helping.

Otherwise a GoDaddy VDS would probably do the job better, you could install what you wanted (e.g. Drupal) and wouldn’t have to worry when you go flitting off to Europe *and* you’d get support. But it would be about $30 – $40/month.

If you like the idea but not the price, the hosting company I use, Tektonic do an unmanaged plan with basic support (performance, network, uptime for standard software) for $15/month. – even the basic servers are great, my site got dugg / hammered last week with 20x as much traffic as normal and it just breezed through.

I have a managed plan and the support is brilliant, but I use GoDaddy and your codes for my domain names, of course.

Somebody out there probably has a better idea, but that’s my recommendation.

Cheryl is an ugly whore.

Yeah, and they’re crap normally anyway.

I hardly post comments on Insane Films any more because by the time the page has loaded I’m doing something else and have completely forgotten what I was meant to be doing.

God what a fucking cunt you are madge. It works just fine you fuckface. And you missed out…. cause i would have had two fucking hours to do a god damn show today… but noooooooooo you didnt ansturd your phone. FUCK YOU AND YOUR GOD DAMN SHIT MARY. YOU ARE A MESS.

Dreamhost is fine, get over yourself cunt.

you stupid bitch. how was i supposed turd know that was you calling when i was sleeping with tratsky? WHen can we do it whore? people hate you cuz you are never on my progruma and cause global terror by forcing queens to use shitty dreamhole

Well, it’s good that everything’s coming back up. Now maybe you can get the queen, Ragan to do a goddamned episode of ETHS!!! Oh screw it, just get Cheryl to do it instead.

Cheryl may be an ugle whore, but … well … Cheryl is an ugle whore.

probably not. She is really busy working… so busy so busy… so busy she can’t figure out her audio high-jacked problems…. so busy. So busy she can’t god damn call me back or ans-turd her phone. So busy. What a whore.

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