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YR715 Flashbaque


By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

26 replies on “YR715 Flashbaque”

When you were saying “what happened was..” I was thinking “what had happened was…”

And your story about Janice I remembered “Women iS Loosers!” from your other show…


Incredible show, very trippy, nostalgic and moving with the all the old clips and the musings.

I miss ETHS too and would love to see it come back, maybe with lots of different guests instead of a strict line-up if Ragan doesn’t want to do it… is Rachel still alive?

I’d thrown in Lady Raptastic, Cheryl, Rachel and even maybe Berbacia (or is she shame spiraling again?) to fill Ragan’s place.

wasn’t the whole point of ETHS to interview a lot of guests to see who would ~win~ and become permanent guest?

cheryl for the win ..

I too miss the ETHS. You should get Ragan back on and maybe add Lady Raptastic, who recently announced her podfade. That would be awesome please! Seriously though, I really miss ETHS. This was a great show Madge, really defines audioblogging.

Well hello Madgey, looking swell Madgey..

I also miss ETHS, I loved that show with a passion, it was generally a show that was much easier to sell to friends to have a listen too..

Why not start up ETHS again with Wanda, ask Ragan but if she says no grab Cheryl by the lyps and send an open invite to Ragan, Andy Melton, Lady Raptastic, Rachel, PizzaBabe, PNS, JayT, Matt & Weegie from The Big Gay Sex Show… there are plenty of gay options.. just have as many people who turn up join in.. like a gay “Show Girls” Podcast.. lol

ETHS is too good to let rot online.

Bridge that gap fellas, find me an empty lap fellas! ..That sounds a little HOT?

Great show Madge, great music, and good conversation, thanks for sharing I’m sure it would be hard to share some things!

Who wouldn’t want La Rylch? Wanda can associate herself with Cheryl and still be Oprah. Her wholesomeness and Cheryl’s repulsiveness complement each other well.

The problem is that wanturd is a whore, and whores like turd bo-gurt their meat. U know what i meanz?

But I don’t cornpletely dis-whoregree with wanturd… rillz can be a bit much sometimes.

Granted…sometimes…things…can get…outta hand.

Now, as far as ETHS? Beturd off dead. MOVE ON honaye. Start a new show percunt. Like ETHL, eat those hot lyups. Or PTTAC–prole that tan asscunt.

Eithurd way, it cost 2.99 turd much. Besides, don’t matter what u thank. Matter what DIK AND NUT THANK!

I agree they complement each other, and Wanda’s Oprah demeanor only makes her look more superior to the Cheryl, how can that be bad for her!?

Wanda, love the Cheryl! She doesn’t have to be a permanent host, but she is a great guest!

ETHS for President!

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