Perfectly Normal Podcasts yeast nation

YR864 Waxy Yellow Prolyps

Hello. I know. Today would be a great day to…

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

5 replies on “YR864 Waxy Yellow Prolyps”

The missing old people were probably in their apartments, stuck on hold while a certain Mz Merkuntski hogged the line with her bulk order for depen’z and sanitary wipes.

Despite me being a mess back then, the time we spent together confirmed to me that we are much more similar than I would ever have imagined (esp. considering you’re a 50-something lesbian with food allergies while I’m some half-queen / half-geek misfit that would feel out of place in a room full of misfits), so it is easy for me to relate.

Also, I miss the old people in the lift.



I babysat on the Saturday as well…

and watched SNL with that cuntfaced thing on it.

Honaaye, I can’t stop watching that clip of Mary Hartman on YouTube….creeeepaye!

I loved how that excruciatingly dry lecturer, after all that verbal diarrhea, comes to the simple point; “learn how, and in compassion, to teach”.
That’s you!

Also, old news that fundamentalists are exaggerating. That does not mean religion is inherently bad, it means people who distort beliefs are inherently bad.

“I don’t smell no mold, there be no Old.”

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