
YR1351 Broadway Ruins Everything

ALL GIRLS give you a typical grum, including a NEW episode of Game of Crones.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

2 replies on “YR1351 Broadway Ruins Everything”

must mention this strange synchronicity for the digital record: about 53 weeks into a symbiotic creative role with the creator/s of Yeast Radio and this one’s art emerged from the ether in a magical and bizarre way… without having heard Madge’s brief (but hostile) rant against Broadway early in this grum, I separately became aware of a great funk forefather named Dyke & the Blazers, how could I resist! especially with this record cover… the fact that Broadway is in the title is utterly accidental but helps make me believe it when scientists mainly all agree that we are living in a holographic video game.

I appreciate you, Madge, getting involved in phone calls other than playing sound effects. Although, I still love every car crash even as Debra becomes more ambivalent in her cries for help. I give this episode a B+++++++++.

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