
YR500 Special

Special. No show notes please!

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

37 replies on “YR500 Special”

Madge Weinstein did a wonderful 500th audio with video program today. It was the bestest, and boy do I mean good like.

Most people have fancy pants parties for special days. But Madge Weinstein is the best. Madge Weinstein cares.

Madge Weinstein spent her special 500 day visiting poor flood zones and looking at people who are like super sad that a flood came to their town. Madge acted just like the Governor of America would in Louisiana.

Oh Madge, I hope you do like 500 and more audio programs in the future time.

I did write to her about this, but I hadn’t spotted the problem then and she’s probably busy trying to be a Berliner IYKWIM.

The problem, Madge, you stupid cunt, is the enclosure type is “audio/mpeg” when it should be “video/mp4”. iTurds would probably let that slide, but it seems the FeedBurner is a pickier whore.

I always love your pictorial tours of Europe so, of course, this was nice.

This did, however, beg another question: How do we rate the different Madge looks? I’ve broken them into four categories:

1. Classic Madge (Red hair, Fall 2005)

2. Blond Madge (Wild tall hair, Spring 2006 and Dildo Mic Demo for Rumor Girls)

3. Bloated Madge (Europe Summer 2006)

4. Sally Madge (Europe November 2006)

My preferences are in this order (best liked to least) 1, 4, 3 and finally 2.

What does everyone else think?

I agree with your order (mostly) but isn’t Classic and Bloated Madge pretty much the same (except the latter is fatter)?

Bloated Madge was kind of a downward spiral train wreck. Not so much that fat people are train wrecks, rather Madge letting herself go to the point where she barely got her wig to cover her roots — it kind of said something about the poor soul’s state of mind. I believe it was a necessary step in her personal development but I’m glad to see she has emerged a stronger (and yes, slimmer) woman.

But that just how it translates to me. I could be way off base. Your thoughts?

Im so proud to have been a part of it and that my red august could be the bloat of honor.

i always wondered what would happen to this footage… the crotch grabbing was an unexpected easter egg.


Love you Madge!

Luke (sexyer1)
Melbourne, Australia

PS. Here is a gift for you, it’s one of them ASII (or whatever their called) images… hope it displays correctly! If not cut and past it elsewhere to see.. lol

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CRAP, WordPress doesn’t display this correctally, and changes the code so you can’t even cut and paste it elsewhere.. damn..

It was a hot chick with big tits, a gift for your 500th Yeast Infection!

Love ya Madge..

Keep it up so I can keep it up!… lol

Luke (sexyer1)
Melbourne, Australia

Hey Madge,

If you “Right Click” and view the source code of this comments page and you’ll be able to scroll down to my comment and see the dyke with the big tits!

Luke (sexyer1)
Melbourne, Australia

Hey Madge,

Just realised your catching up to the Podbottom his on episode DSC-509, although I think most of his episodes arn’t worth posting, I’m listening only when the lovely Lady Patricia is on the show.

You should get Lady Patricia on your show Madge, you should have Skyper Sex with her sometime! lol

You should pump that yeast out to get beyond Adam Curry and become the ultimate Bloated Lesbian Podcaster!

Luke (sexyer1)
Melbourne, Australia

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